Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Secret lovers and Christmas holidays

Well, we're fast approaching that time of year again.
You know the one I mean, your secret love is out buying gifts for his wife & kids, they are all off at the weekends choosing the family tree, probably enjoying some time at the outdoor ice rink or christmas market and what are you doing?
Most likely sitting moping at home, having miserable thoughts about your secret lover and wishing it was you that he was whisking around all those fun holiday places.
Let's be honest, that's not going to happen is it? So, what do you do to keep your spirits up at this time of year?
Firstly, remember that you are entitled to a life outside this extra marital relationship. He won't be having less fun with the family because he knows you can't join in, so get up off your butt and make some enjoyment for yourself.
If you are totally self centred and self pitying, then you will probably go & splurge on a new outfit, hairdo or massive box of candy.
STOP! Think for a moment ...
You really aren't that selfish person are you?
There are masses of people out there that really do have a miserable Christmas holiday, due to poverty, illness or loneliness. You could be the one that makes a big difference to them this holiday.
You don't have to be loaded to help out at the local homeless shelter or retirement home. One more volunteer can make so much difference to these selfless workers and needy people at this time of year.
Think about your elderly neighbors, who would benefit from even a short visit or just a card this Christmas? Then, guess what, before you know it, the Christmas holiday season will be over, you won't have moped around feeling sorry for yourself and you may have given someone the best present they could have wished for ... a great big smile!
Happy Christmas.
Happy Festivus or whatever you're leaning, have a happy one!
Doesn't look like it will be a white christmas here this year!