Monday, February 27, 2012

Love Hurts

Don't let anyone tell you that love never hurts ... because it does!
It hurts when you are apart, it hurts when you know they are with someone else, it hurts that you can't be together all of the time.
Sadly, there's no pill that you can take to ease the pain.
The best remedy is to stay occupied. Work harder, take up a hobby, get out more, widen your circle of friends, get gardening, cycling, cooking, anything to take your mind off the hurt you're feeling.
It will all seem better tomorrow.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentine's Day & secret lovers

How was your Valentine's Day?
Did you get a big bunch of red roses,chocolates or perhaps just a card from your secret lover?
Lovers are usually far more attentive, thoughtful & will be ready to spoil you at the drop of a hat. That's what makes a secret love so exciting, and long after Valentine's Day has gone, you will have the memory of that special gift that know one else knew about.
Did anyone propose?

Saturday, February 11, 2012

I have my love to keep me warm!

Well, you know the words of the old song don't you.
At present, we are deep in snow here & it's tough getting out on foot, let alone in the car.
Secret liaisons with secret lovers are doubly difficult at this time of year.
Worse still, if you made the date before the snowfall & now can't get to the rendezvous, you must be throwing things at the wall!
So, why not take the time to compose a letter to your secret lover. Write down all the things you have wanted to say, but never dared. Don't be too mushy about it, just be plain honest about your feelings.
It will help get your own head sorted about the relationship & your lover might be surprised about the depth of your feelings. They might even dare to reveal there own!
Spring is around the corner, so chin up, get your letter written, even if you never give it to them.
Have a good week.