Saturday, September 15, 2012

Secret love in old age?

Is secret love frowned upon in old age?
When do we become old?
I don't think there is an age at which we think of ourselves as old. We always think of ourselves as young and attractive. It's only when we look in a mirror that we realise we are not that person any more.
But wait, what if inside, we are still that person? Does that mean we can't feel attraction for the opposite sex any more?
I think not, people of all ages should be able to enjoy sexual and passionate feelings for another human being, whether it be of the opposite sex, or of the same sex.
We are only on this earth but once as far as I can tell, so to anyone over the age of 60, who is looking for a new love, secret or otherwise, good luck and I hope you find the sexual happiness you deserve.

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